If you want to start a successful business, then focus on these:
A business needs to have a purpose first. You are not opening a business because you have money to rent a nice office
A business needs to have a purpose first. You are not opening a business because you have money to rent a nice office
Almost all the modern entrepreneurs have developed relevant skills on graphic design, social media management and on website development and management.
Over 57% of projects fail because of a „breakdown in communications“ and 39% fail because of a lack of planning of resources
What is a side hustle? A side hustle is an additional job that someone does outside their primary job time in order to increase their income. Why is side hustle important? Side hustle will constitute another source of income after your primary job allowing you to get some extra money. These extra money can help …
6 side hustles ideas that can make you an extra 1000 euro/month Čítajte viac »
To launch your small business you will need to go through the 6 basic but imperative steps.
An entrepreneur is someone who brings a solution to an existential problem …
There are over 397.9 million internet users across European Union and around 4.6 million internet users in Slovakia. A website provides your business an online presence allowing prospects to find easily the products or services you are providing.
Every successful business today started somewhere. And most of them out there have been founded by a group of people or friends who used to spend time together.